Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Six Flying Dragons: PART - 27

While sunlight fortunately highlights all the more vigorously in this scene, I can't extremely well help it if Bang-ji looks his most enthralling during the evening, what with the light cleaning of snow and verging on discernable expectation for the fight in store composed everywhere on his elements. However, there is a scene that is not only him in a dim backwoods, and it's a decent one—there's doubtlessly we've dropped back a bit to set up for the following stage, yet that doesn't mean there can't be some stacked shocks along the way. Exactly how we like them. 


ChoA (of AOA) – "불꽃( Flame )  [  Download ]

Blast won tries to support Jung Mong-joo's stun at asking so as to see the guide of New Joseon him about the letter that brought him here. He hands it over insensibly, his eyes still altered on the progressive painting. 

The letter he got bears Nameless' Red Seal, and had trained him to go to the collapse request to take in an essential truth about Jung Do-jeon. Realizing that there's no chance to get out, Jung Do-jeon rejects alternate winged serpents so he can identify with his old companion and regarded partner alone. 

Subsequent to there's no motivation to be anything other than plain now, Jung Do-jeon tells Poeun that they've been utilizing this hollow to build up a framework for the production of another country. Poeun knows he shouldn't be so astonished when Ha Ryun had cautioned him this was going on, however he hadn't had any desire to trust it some time recently.
Still, Jung Do-jeon claims that this was to keep a guarantee he made to him, and flashes back to when he'd pulled a blade on Kim Yong, the man in charge of the false illustrious order that finished with the passings of the four gallant officers. Also, the passings of the youngsters in the cavern. 

Amazingly then, Kim Yong had asserted that he doesn't manufacture anything—it was the ruler himself who requested such a deplorable demonstration. He'd fled when his kin were in threat, yet the four commanders had spared the capital and picked up the general population's esteem that he'd lost. Dreading their energy, he'd given the request so they could be slaughtered. 

This had justifiably come as an awesome stun to Jung Do-jeon, and the disloyalty by his own particular lord demoralized him enough for him to blaze books of Confucius and Mencius' teachings. Jung Mong-joo saw him and attempted to spare the holy messages, yet Jung Do-jeon's discomfort then transformed into rage.
On the off chance that the ruler could submit kill just to keep his energy, Jung Do-jeon contended, then both Confucius and Mencius weren't right—legislative issues and equity are not one and the same. However, Poeun had been there to shake his companion by the shoulders to bring home the deficiency didn't lie in the teachings, yet in the general population who don't tail them. 

Not at all like Buddhism, Poeun had said, Neo-Confucianism had no emphasis on what might happen in the following life, yet in the one they as of now had. That with perseverance and dedication, anything is conceivable. Jung Do-jeon had taken those words to heart, and with a tear running down his cheek, had inquired as to whether it was truly conceivable that through commitment and ingenuity, he could make a world like Confucius and Mencius had faith in. 

Jung Mong-joo, generally as passionate, had consoled him that he could. Also him, as well as they together could make that world. In the present, Jung Do-jeon concedes that he confided in Poeun's guarantee so much that he committed all his opportunity to considering how he could make such a world work out as intended. 

Furthermore, now, by dragging out reams and reams of papers secured in ink, he asks his old companion to simply hear him out.161.
While Boon-yi, Bang-won, and Moo-hyul banter outside over how Jung Mong-joo will respond to listening to everything, Boon-yi's expectation that he'd be energized after catching wind of the considerable number of changes ends up being valid. The thought that administration positions would be chosen by standard common administration exams and not by nepotism alone is sufficient to convey a grin to Poeun's face. 

The trio's forecast that they'd stay up throughout the night talking additionally ends up being valid, since they see the sun start to rise while as yet being consigned to a flame outside the hole. Blast won uses this chance to ask Boon-yi for what reason she acted so drained and interesting when Nameless was said the day preceding, just for Boon-yi to avoid and reroute the inquiry. 

Rather, she asks why Nameless would've sent Jung Mong-joo when they're just out to meddle with their arrangements—implying that they couldn't have been anticipating Poeun to be agreeable.
Also, he is to a specific point, since he adores every one of the changes Jung Do-jeon has advanced. Be that as it may, while Jung Do-jeon needs to utilize those changes to make another country, Poeun doesn't see why they can't be authorized inside of the structure of Goryeo. This prompts a warmed verbal confrontation about which of the two arrangements is more Confucian in nature, with both men vowing determinedly that they'll persuade the other to see their side of things. 

At the point when Bang-won discovers that Jung Mong-joo heard everything just to dissent, he right away needs to request Moo-hyul to watch out for him, clarifying that he can't be trusted now that he knows their insider facts. Jung Do-jeon trusts him however, and supposes he's gone off just to attempt and persuade Lee Seong-gye. 

Be that as it may, Bang-won brings up an essential issue, if not one Jung Do-jeon wouldn't like to listen: "Imagine a scenario in which he's definitely not. Imagine a scenario where he's setting off to the examination authority to report Father and have him captured. Imagine a scenario in which that is the reason Nameless sent him here?" He can't see how Jung Do-jeon, who suspects everybody, could trust Poeun so indiscriminately that he wouldn't have him taken after.
Along these lines, Jung Do-jeon offers to make him a wager. On the off chance that he wins, Bang-won can do nothing to Poeun. "Yes," Bang-won concurs. "Be that as it may, on the off chance that I win, then I will follow up on my own." Foreboding words, no doubt. 

Jung Do-jeon recollects how Jung Mong-joo had blamed him for negating himself, since he needs to make a Confucian country by utilizing conspiracy, which is the finished inverse of what Confucius instructs. That is the very reason he needs Poeun on his side so seriously, with the goal that he can keep his not as much as Confucian propensities under tight restraints.
As Jung Do-jeon anticipated, Jung Mong-joo visits Lee Seong-gye with a specific end goal to argue for him to prevent Jung Do-jeon from making himself a swindler. Also, in this manner, he can stop himselffrom turning into a usurper, by rather utilizing the smart thoughts Jung Do-jeon needs to support Goryeo for a considerable length of time to come. 

Realizing that Jung Do-jeon frantically needs Poeun on his side for the new country, Lee Seong-gye requests that he join their reason. Normally, neither one of the mans gives in, leaving Bang-won pondering Poeun. Ruh roh. 

Awful news comes their direction when the administration official enlisted to take the area reviews (contrary to Jo Joon's exploration) winds up dead, killed by a gifted blade twisted to the throat. For some odd reason, this data originates from Master Hong, who grabbed some doctoring abilities from Nooneasksville.
What's more terrible, two more authorities tasked with the area reviews have additionally been killed in the same way, leaving each of the three dead. Jung Do-jeon finds the last one still in his bed, and shakes as he thinks about whether this is all as a result of the area review. Blast ji's greatest concern is whether this was Nameless, or the furious respectability. 

Jung Do-jeon trusts it's Nameless, and says as much to Lee Seong-gye. Whoever executed those three authorities likewise must be behind his death endeavor, leaving Jung to promise that he'll discover who they are. 

What's more, whether Jung Do-jeon knows it or not, Bang-won has Moo-hyul monitoring Jung Mong-joo. The news of the three homicides spreads to them and other people, terrifying any eventual authorities far from agreeing to the employment.
Not able to help contemplating their mom and the Nameless seal, Bang-ji approaches Boon-yi to advise her that by finding Nameless, he ought to have the capacity to locate their mom. It'll mean ignoring Gil Sun-mi's notice against doing only that, however he's prepared to discover reality. 

Then again, Boon-yi isn't as much—she's worried about the possibility that that in the event that she gets her trusts up that their mom's alive, she'll just be let down. What's more, on the off chance that it's actual that she is alive, then why did she never go searching for them? "I'm certain she had a reason," Bang-ji offers, however it's very little solace. 

Since holding off on the area overview would be exactly what the killers needed (however proceeding would likewise jeopardize more lives), Jung Do-jeon sends Lee Seong-gye to talk with the little King Chang. He sends every one of his chaperons out of the room all the while, including the ruler, who is not upbeat about it.
Lee Seong-gye requests that the smaller than expected ruler audit and sign a report, which he then hands over to Jung Do-jeon. In like manner, Yeon-hee gives Cho-youthful false data about Lee Seong-gye collecting men in mystery to perform the area overview, relying on her offering that data to the nobles conflicting with them. 

The data achieves its expected targets, leaving Lee Saek's side stupefied with reference to what Lee Seong-gye could really be arranging. They pay Jukryong in gold to discover for them, however Gil Sun-mi is the person who volunteers to go out and do the real sleuthing. 

After Jung Do-jeon reminds Bang-ji that their plan is about discovering Nameless and nothis mother, the swordsman sets out from the capital in the same camouflage as other steadfast individuals from Lee Seong-gye's armed force. They all read the guidelines Jung Do-jeon has given them once they're sufficiently far away, and demolish the proof like genuine spies.
Blast won trains Boon-yi to utilize her contacts to find BAEK GEUN-SOO, who they last experienced with the Nameless seal when they were youngsters. Since he knows he is a Nameless operators and not Lee In-gyeom's similar to he'd beforehand thought, he wagers that discovering him may lead them to the foundation of their issues. 

While Young-kyu is tasked with taking after Jung Mong-joo, we discover him visiting the slight ruler, crying in light of the fact that he misses his dad. Ruler Jung points the finger at it on Lee Seong-gye requesting that he sign reports he doesn't comprehend, leaving Poeun at an impasse. What would he be able to accomplish for Goryeo when the ruler is so youthful? 

Blast won levels Jung Mong-joo with an awful look as he leaves the castle, inquiring as to whether he told the ruler what he knew. At that point, all the more insistently, he inquires as to why Poeun is so against another country when he's ready for every one of the changes.
He challenges whether Jung Mong-joo is so scandalized in light of the fact that he supposes they're submitting injustice against the general population or the nation, contending that Mencius was for putting the general population first. He gains Poeun's wrath with this test, making him talk as his previous instructor from Sungkyunkwan: Is Bang-won bringing the general population up on the grounds that they're what's really in his heart, or would he say he is just hoping to reinforce his family's name and respect? 

Incredibly, Bang-won turns the same contemplation back at him, inquiring as to whether hismotivation is truly his devotion to the nation or in the event that it's to secure his name and respect. Poeun fires back that in any event he wouldn't convey mischief to history via thinking about such things, yet Bang-won opposes this idea. 

History, to him, is something for future eras to consider. "You inquired as to whether I held the general population near my heart. Yes, I sought my heart painstakingly. In this way, there is no minute where I think about the future individuals of this country for the sake of history. I just hold the general population who without further ado walk this ground, inhale, and coarseness their teeth to bring home the bacon somewhere down in my heart." 

At that point, "Thank you for the lesson, Teacher." Bang-won drops the mic and strolls off. (All things considered, as much as one can in Goryeo.)
Because of his wife's recommendation, Bang-won visits his dad in-law, who's right now amusing Ha Ryun. At the point when Daddy Min approaches what he wanted, Ha Ryun accurately surmises/derides that Bang-won came to request that he take part in dodang issues to help him. 

Based on the look Bang-won sends him, that is precisely what he desired. Adequately humiliated, Bang-won goes up against Ha Ryun outside and challenges him to make another supposition: "To what extent will this nation last?" 

Jung Mong-joo considers the same inquiry, yet dissimilar to Team Joseon, he's searching for an approach to spare the country as it seems to be. He starts to consider that Lee Seong-gye's beginning decision for the throne, Wang Yo (later King Gongyang, the last ruler of Goryeo), may be a superior fit than the child King Chang.
He visits the sovereign himself, however he needs to hold up through an overlong gisaeng's move keeping in mind the end goal to try and talk with him. Yet, the gisaeng YOON-RANG (Han Ye-ri, whose voice you might perceive from Imaginary Cat) appears to hold an exceptional spot in the sovereign's heart. 

Then, Bang-ji stands look as the three other Jung Do-jeon supporters (Officer Nam and Master Hong included) lay out a guide and compass amidst the backwoods. Jung Do-jeon meets them at this mystery spot, which ends up being not all that mystery since Gil Sun-mi and an unforeseen of men are observing close-by. Where did Bang-ji's spidey faculties go? 

They can't catch what's being discussed, and soon, Jung Do-jeon's gathering scatters in diverse bearings. Gil Sun-mi's men attempt to sort out what Jung Do-jeon was arranging based off the course he was indicating, and when they decide out that he wasn't searching for another capital, Gil Sun-mi acknowledges something.
Requesting his men to draw their swords, Gil Sun-mi pronounces that this area is perfectfor a trap. He chuckles at the past the point of no return acknowledgment, since Jung Do-jeon's men swarm from the higher ground to encompass Gil Sun-mi's little band. 

Gil Sun-mi reminds his men to murder themselves in the event that they're caught before the battle starts, however Jung Do-jeon's purpose isn't to catch Gil Sun-mi. He means to give him a chance to get away, and to have Bang-ji and Yeon-hee tail him to increase a few hints about who it is he works for. 

The two spies do as they're told by taking after Gil Sun-mi into the profundities of the cold woods. Yeon-hee leaves a trail of white dirt to stamp their way, however Gil Sun-mi soon gets to be mindful of Bang-ji's closeness as the snow around them appears to solidify in midair.
Each little solid can be listened, even the smash of snow under Gil Sun-mi's boot. He makes a keep running for it, and Bang-ji sharpens his faculties to feel, more than see, where he is. That sense spares him from a sneak assault when Gil Sun-mi comes flying out of an adjacent shadow, leaving the two men up close and personal finally. 

"Are you a warrior or a professional killer?" Bang-ji snaps. "I am whatever is required," Gil Sun-mi counters. He runs, however Bang-ji gives pursue and defies him. Their fight is brief, and soon Gil Sun-mi vanishes into the shadows again. 

Fortunately, Yeon-hee tracks him to the sanctuary where He, or the genius behind Nameless, as far as anyone knows holds up.
While Jung Do-jeon and his men take after the trail Yeon-hee's deserted to the sanctuary, she takes after Gil Sun-mi to the sanctuary inside. She plans to lead Jung Do-jeon to the building, yet they turn at seeing a shrouded lady driving an old grandma (the dreadful one we all know) away. 

In a split second, Jung Do-jeon and Bang-ji perceive the shrouded lady… as both Yeon-hyangand mother.

All things considered, we sort of realized that one was coming, subsequent to Yeon-hyang positively would not have been dead after all the discussion and development. Be that as it may, what was enjoyably amazing was the snare Jung Do-jeon arranged, subsequent to the show put forth an admirable attempt to keep their ultra mystery arrangement from us. Furthermore, to extraordinary impact, despite the fact that that nearly abandons saying as of right now. 

I understood as I was watching Master Hong flip through leaves such as playing cards that I wasn't worried with reference to what Jung Do-jeon's gathering was truly doing in that timberland, since every one of my center had moved to what boneheads I thought they were for not understanding that Gil Sun-mi was in that spot. It feels like everlastingly since Jung Do-jeon has been proactive instead of receptive, so I was half anticipating that him should be astounded once more by Nameless' apparently interminable scope. 

What wound up being cherry on top of the very much played sundae must be Gil Sun-mi's unfolding acknowledgment in the matter of what he'd strolled into, and how the thought that he'd put himself right where Jung Do-jeon needed him was so stunning it was really clever to him. He knew he'd been had, and since I uncertainty that is a typical event for somebody as talented as Gil Sun-mi, he needed to in any event recognize a job well done. Regardless I don't exactly comprehend who he is however, or whether he's genuinely companion or enemy. Would the Gil Sun-mi we're seeing today have spared Bang-ji each one of those years prior? Was even that part of some greater arrangement? 

The showdown between Bang-won and Jung Mong-joo was an unpropitious one, and as is regular with scholarly discussions between this current show's most noteworthy personalities, it was likewise very uncovering. We officially sort of knew where Bang-won remained as far as his objectives and what he'd be willing to give up to accomplish them, however it was something else altogether to hear him revile the thought of acting now to secure his name later. That his name in history isn't of the faintest worry to him (or in the event that it will be, it's a well shrouded one) says a great deal in regards to his needs, regardless of the fact that that sort of deduction is a reason for worry in its own particular right. 

Of course, Bang-won's state of mind has never not been a wellspring of stress. In that way he doesn't appear to be excessively not at all like Jung Do-jeon in disobedience, however it stays to be perceived how their relationship will climate whatever Bang-won has gotten ready for Jung Mong-joo. Since something lets me know that if there's another lesson to be shared between them, it'll be Bang-won doing the instructing—and knowing him, it won't be beautiful. Or very quick.

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