Blast won confronts one of his greatest and most essential choices yet, and it's one he should confront alone, regardless of the possibility that it pits him against all that he once held dear. It's difficult to watch without needing to simply give him an embrace, yet it's another incredible execution plume for Six Flying Dragons to put in its cap. In spite of the fact that it was not really needing for stellar acting some time recently, scenes like this are dependably an appreciated reward.
While Bang-won listens stealthily close-by, Jung Do-jeon unequivocally clarifies his proposed arrangement of administering to Jung Mong-joo, including that the withering country of Goryeo wouldn't have the capacity to manage such a change. Just by making another country can any of these changes plan to be accomplished.
For his new nation to exist, Jung Do-jeon includes, the lord must have the force just to delegate an executive—and he needs Jung Mong-joo to be it. The achievement or disappointment of the nation would lay on his shoulders, and not Lee Seong-gye's.
In spite of the fact that it would be close difficult to expect any ruler of Goryeo to hand over all his energy, Jung Do-jeon claims that Lee Seong-gye is one hundred percent willing to accept the employment. "If it's not too much trouble please turned into the first leader of this new country," he ask.
At that point, in a shock move, Jung Do-jeon ascends from his seat to bow at Jung Mong-joo's feet. "Please," he asks once more. "It would be ideal if you acknowledge this without understudy's earnestness." Now the ball is in Poeun's court. What will he do with it?
After the two section, they have a clairvoyant out of this world to terms with everything that is simply been said. Jung Mong-joo asks why it must be him surprisingly, which Jung Do-jeon answers by saying that he's gone too far to be in any way considered a genuine Confucian researcher, and couldn't set out to tackle the employment himself.
Blast won redesigns Jung Do-jeon on the Ji Cheon-tae/Cho-youthful circumstance, and that she's been taken in for cross examination by Officer Nam. Jung Do-jeon praises him on a vocation well done and places him accountable for any operations in regards to Nameless starting now and into the foreseeable future, since there's nothing Bang-won can't accomplish with his cleverness.
What's more, however he gets some information about his discussion with Poeun, he purposely doesn't specify that he caught the whole thing. All Jung Do-jeon says is that he poured his heart out to his old companion, so now, they hold up.
Yooksan is irritated to discover they've been deceived by Bang-won, and now, he's taken Cho-youthful from them. Their first need is to recover her before she can spill key data, however Yooksan is hesitant to report any of this to the higher-ups, thinking of it as was his slip-up that brought about it.
Gil Sun-mi perceives what an awful detect this places them in, and prescribes that they attempt to locate an alternate weapon to wound at the heart of Jung Do-jeon's development. Jung Mong-joo simply isn't cutting it any longer.
Indeed, even Cho-youthful is stunned to discover that Bang-won deceived her into uncovering her Nameless association utilizing a made-up term, however she's not going to release a chance to sow friction to squander. With a canny grin, she appears to be going to enlighten Officer Nam regarding Bang-won's listening stealthily.
Subsequent to got notification from Officer Nam that Cho-youthful will just address him, Bang-won heads out with an excessively energetic Moo-hyul, who's very glad to commend Bang-won's marvelousness. He's cheerful to know he picked the ideal individual to secure, and recollecting Moo-hyul's fantasy brings Bang-won out of his dull dream.
He swings to Moo-hyul and says that the day he concocted his fantasy—to make individuals grin through legislative issues—was the day Gil Tae-mi passed on. In particular, it was the day Moo-hyul guaranteed steadfastness to him since he saw every one of the general population grinning due to what Bang-won had done.
Moo-hyul illuminates to realize that Bang-won's fantasy came to fruition in light of him, before Bang-won proceeds with, "You said that it was your first time seeing the general population grin like that, that you knew I was the person who got it going. Those words fulfilled me with the goal that I thought I was going to kick the bucket. Legislative issues that will make individuals grin and be happy… that turned into my fantasy from that minute on."
Since he says this in such a grim tone despite the fact that the words are elevating, poor Moo-hyul can't comprehend why he's so down about it. "You can do it. It will happen on the off chance that you do it," he says enthusiastically. Aww. Best bodyguard/friend ever.
Considering Yooksan's requirement for "another sword" in their battle against Jung Do-jeon, Cho-youthful goes into her discussion with Bang-won with an unmistakable arrangement. She knows Bang-won didn't educate anybody regarding the discussion he caught, and utilizes the substance of it against him.
"General Lee Seong-gye will be bound in a jail called Being King, and his family will be detained there with him," she says with a grin. That as well as the nation would be controlled by a head administrator, and not his dad.
Jung Mong-joo flashes back to Jung Do-jeon saying the same thing to him, clarifying the thought that the ruler and his family would be kept in the most secure jail, otherwise known as the royal residence.
In the meantime, Cho-youthful discloses this to Bang-won, who gives back that it's an undeniable decision to depend the nation to more than only one man. Authorizing a governing rules framework is just right. "Still, you don't care for it, do you?" Cho-youthful flames right back. Regardless of how awesome the nation is, she knows he won't care for it in the event that it's a nation where he's weak.
At that point, her voice bringing down, she lets him know that Nameless isn't against building up another country. Truth be told, they're considering supporting Lee Seong-gye as lord, and even attempted to stop General Choi's irresponsible war. "We are on the same side," she clarifies. Aside from one thing, obviously: Land change.
At this, Bang-won snickers. Here he thought Nameless had an incredible reason, however at last, they were simply attempting to clutch their property? Cho-youthful still attempted to snare him by letting him know that he can take in more about their reason. Another nation can at present be set up without such a capable leader and land change, all things considered.
Be that as it may, Bang-won's had enough, and snatches her by her neckline to make his point. Outside, Boon-yi pelts him with inquiries concerning what Cho-youthful might've said—about Nameless, about her mom, about everything.
Blast won just gazes at her as her words merge together until they can't be heard by any stretch of the imagination, supplanted by a shrill ringing sound. Finally, he just says that he needs to rest.
He tries his best to do only that, yet winds up sweating in a fever dream loaded with Minister Hong's forecasts that he would fall flat, and Jung Do-jeon's brutal words about how he had no spot in the new nation. That is the thing that stays with him now as he stresses, "Do I truly have no spot in that nation? Have I lost my direction once more.
Jung Mong-joo does some agonizing all alone, and rationally expresses gratitude toward Jung Do-jeon for demonstrating to him his purpose, since it implies he can abandon attempting to persuade his old companion. He knows it is highly unlikely Jung Do-jeon will surrender the nation he's worked so difficult to make, and regards that.
"Nonetheless, I won't be that new nation's first executive," he adds to himself. "I will be Goryeo's last subject. On the off chance that Heaven hasn't relinquished Goryeo, then I ought to have the capacity to shield it from you. Regardless of the possibility that this present nation's fortunes has run out, as a Confucian researcher, I will confront my end with her. I will bite the dust before Goryeo arrives at an end."
Thus he visits King Gongyang late that night to converse with him about the area change, while the same issue gets a warmed talk from Jung Do-jeon's camp. Jo Joon doesn't trust the area change has any would like to go the length of Lee Saek still has a spot in the dodang, yet they can't impugn him when that was one of Jung Mong-joo's express conditions.
Gongyang is shocked when Jung Mong-joo lets him know that they should pass the area change so as to secure the nation, since they require landowners to pay them charges. In an all the more astounding move, he advocates that they have to shield Goryeo not from Lee Seong-gye, but rather from Jung Do-jeon.
They have no trust against Lee Seong-gye's military may, Jung Mong-joo clarifies, so his just trust is to drive a fracture in the middle of Lee and Jung Do-jeon. Since it's reasonable that they'll reprimand Lee Saek, Poeun says it's a penance that should be made. The ruler needs to pick up the general population's trust with a specific end goal to succeed.
Knowing how critical Jung Mong-joo is to his reason, Gongyang accuses Sa-kwang of ensuring Poeun as though she were securing him. They'll be sending all correspondences through her from this time forward too, since Jung Do-jeon's camp will without a doubt be watching.
Jung Mong-joo goes to Lee Seong-gye first to let him know that he's supporting the area change and additionally Lee Saek's indictment, however stays mum about joining their reason. He plays the same diversion with Jung Do-jeon, who gets excessively occupied by his backing for the area change that he's upbeat to give him all the time he needs to settle on New Joseon.
Be that as it may, in any event Jung Mong-joo contemplates internally, "I'm sad, Sambong. For the purpose of this feeble nation, I have to beguile the world and you." They both develop in the nick of time, since Bang-ji was starting to sniff the air for the vicinity he felt adjacent—which, obscure to him, was Sa-kwang.
Da-kyung is concerned for her spouse when she discovers him the following morning, dreary confronted and tying his hair into a sangtu, or the normal topknot. She thinks that its peculiar that it's his first time styling his hair along these lines, however he comments that it was more interesting he hadn't done as such yet. (Customarily, aristocrats would change to a topknot once they came to masculinity/got hitched).
Blast won visits Jung Do-jeon after news of Lee Saek's indictment contacts him, and the senior notes his new 'do with a grin. Blast won lays out a challenging plan he's think of to wreck Nameless from inside by putting on a show to be influenced by Cho-youthful's endeavors to convey him to the dull side.
On the off chance that he persuades he may favor their reason, then he'll have better access to them. He'll "fall" for Cho-youthful's offer, and ensure they trust him by get-together his own particular separate private officers to make it appear as though he's wanting to rebel against Team Joseon. Jung Do-jeon gives him the green light to do it, despite the fact that I have a sneaking suspicion that that is precisely what Bang-won anticipated.
He remarks on Bang-won's topknot before he goes, and Bang-won gives him a constrained grin consequently. Inside, he considers, "I'm not a youngster any longer." Outside, Moo-hyul praises him on his quick arrangement.
Lee Saek and Ha Ryun are reprimanded and captured, and Jung Mong-joo shocks his adherents by not doing a thing about it. Truth be told, he educates every one of them to hide out until the area change has passed, and to unobtrusively take up any administration positions that have the ability to prompt the ruler.
Anonymous gets news of the prosecutions, and understand that they've fizzled in attempting to utilize Jung Mong-joo. They don't have to report it to their secretive pioneer, since he's coming to them. Dun.
Having found where Team Joseon is holding Cho-youthful, Gil Sun-mi goes to free her, just to be gotten the best of by two conceal men. He tails them to a spot in the woods where Bang-won holds up by a flame.
When she asks what he's doing, he advises her this is his solution for her offer. He opens up about his utilization of planting trees to speak to adversaries he needed to overcome, and of slashing them down when the employment was finished. The first he ever planted was for Lee In-gyeom, the second for Minister Hong.
He advises her how Minister Hong needed to make him frail so he'd must choose the option to hold hands with him, and how he practically succumbed to it. His life would've been entirely different had he taken that hand, yet rather he meandered, which is the manner by which Jung Do-jeon came in.
"You discovered your direction," Cho-youthful notes. "I did," Bang-won concurs. "Indeed, even simply considering partaking in his extraordinary reason made my heart have a craving for blasting. The thought of completion this spoiled Goryeo and setting up another nation where individuals can appreciate life! In any case, he said I have no spot in that nation. At that point I understood that there is nothing I can do in that nation."
His appearance graver than at any other time, Bang-won includes, "No, from the earliest starting point in his incredible reason, I now know there was no spot for me." Coming back to himself a bit, Bang-won advises her that on the off chance that they to such an extent as consider utilizing him the way they utilized Hong Ryun to kill King Gongmin, they'll be, exceptionally sad for it.
Cho-youthful consents to his terms, however is halted before leaving when he inquires as to whether she knows Yeon-hyang. What about Nameless giving back her as confirmation of their collusion? Cho-youthful is stunned to discover that Yeon-hyang's youngsters are searching for her, since she didn't know they were alive.
Moo-hyul and Young-kyu (the two veiled men who liberated Cho-youthful) are basically wired from observing Bang-won's fireside visit with her, persuaded that their expert is thebest liar on the planet. What they don't know is that Bang-won wasn't lying for every last bit of it.
Gil Sun-mi discovers Cho-youthful subsequently, having caught her whole discussion. He gets after her for discussing Yeon-hyang, just for her to give back that he was the person who brought two cadavers and said her youngsters were dead.
Shrugging, Gil Sun-mi includes that there are a great deal of dead young men and young ladies in Goryeo, and he just took two bodies when he couldn't discover Yeon-hyang's genuine kids.
He needs to keep the matter shut to keep an inner war with Nameless (evidently one happened in 1378), however Cho-youthful's not certain to what extent it'll remain as such when Yeon-hyang's youngsters are effectively searching for her.
While Jung Do-jeon tells Boon-yi and Bang-ji that Cho-youthful's salvage was a trap set by them, Cho-youthful countenances the Nameless tribunal to clarify not just how she lost Hwasadan to Jung Do-jeon's side, yet why she consented to get Bang-won. She'll need to confront their expert's judgment for both tallies.
Blast won meets with his dad to let him know he'll moving out (that topknot has enchantment controls), and thinks about inside whether his dad realizes what sort of lessened part he'd play in the new nation.
At the point when his dad cautions him not to work while expecting something consequently, Bang-won summons up a grin and answers, "obviously that won't happen. What else might I be able to perhaps need?" How about the world?
Daddy Min is responsible for their new lodgings, having given little girl Da-kyung the family's Gyeongdeok Manor. Before Bang-won says thanks to him for the blessing, he requests his bolster—he needs to have his own particular private band of fighters that aren't as of now his father's, which is an overwhelming prospect.
Expert Hong, Grandma, Gab-aid, and Boon-yi get the chance to move in with Bang-won and his wife as family unit hirelings, and are all excited at their new burrows. Expert Hong's jaw drops to the ground when Bang-won alludes to him thusly and calls for him to take after, alongside Moo-hyul.
He's as of now enlisted a little armed force of fighters, and requests that Master Hong assume control over their preparation. He needs him to make each of those troopers into another Moo-hyul, so he can have a multitude of them. (In the event that just!) Master Hong is humbled and respected by the open door.
Da-kyung tells Boon-yi that her family will assume control subsidizing for her system of commercial center spies, and that she ought to take arranges straightforwardly from Bang-won now rather than Jung Do-jeon while he's taking a shot at his arrangement to trick Nameless. She additionally gives her some doled out perusing.
Blast won gathering his own private armed force has the impact he needed on Nameless, since they start to ponder whether he truly has different thought processes (that could advantage them, obviously).
Also, in a dismally comical break, we find Ha Ryun shouting in the dungeon, just to discover he hasn't been tormented yet. Blast gwa's disarray is invaluable, yet any eventual torment is hindered when Bang-won requests some protection with the detainee.
The news that he'll be ousted for enthroning the youthful King Chang is no news to Ha Ryun, who's been banished twice some time recently. Be that as it may, what Bang-won says next gets his advantage: "Make a point to return alive again this time. I will be holding up."
Ha Ryun asks what he implies, and Bang-won says that he'll take him in. With him, he'll assault two adversaries—the malignancy that is Nameless, and somebody he's not certain of yet. Be that as it may, he will be when Ha Ryun returns.
That is all fine and well, Ha Ryun says, however he doesn't serve any individual who serves another expert. What's more, Bang-won serves Jung Do-jeon, isn't that right? Be that as it may, something in Bang-won's face lets him know that is not really, and he giggles derangedly. All things considered, he alerts Bang-won to hide out until he comes back from outcast.
Shelter yi makes a beeline for the New Joseon Cave on Bang-won's solicitation, just to be pelted with snowballs while on the way. She knows it's Bang-won and energetically cautions him to stop, however it is on when he rises up out of the trees with crisply pressed snow close by. Snowball battl
Neither of them can assistance from chuckling defenselessly as they heave new snow at one another, and even Boon-yi isn't over a touch of duplicity to get a decent hit in. Inevitably they both disintegrate into attacks of giggling on the ground beside one another, just Bang-won abruptly quits snickering.
A detach slips from one eye, before his face softens into a veil of pity as he cries. Shelter yi sits up, pondering what's the matter with him. He fixes up as much as he can to swing to her, "Now… Now… I'm done playing. I don't think I can play around with you such as this any long."
Oof. I was pondering what got into Bang-won for him to loosen up and have a touch of fun, yet it ought to assume that no fun is ever free in dramaland—it's generally the last demonstration of unbridled satisfaction a character gets before setting out on a dim adventure. It's the same as the let's-be-a-couple-for-one-day figure of speech, and as it were, that last scene was a touch of both.
Be that as it may, that doesn't decrease its effect in any capacity, since seeing such an uncommon change in Bang-won's appearance hit all the right notes and pulled on all the right heartstrings. It was flawlessly played as well, thus sudden that I ran from grinning alongside them to taking a gander at the screen, supposing I must've missed something critical. I knew the snowball battle was unique of him, yet I wouldn't have speculated the interior battle painstaking so as to go ahead until it really unraveled minute.
What makes Bang-won's internal war so piercing is that he's battling only it, with nobody he's willing to take into his certainty. When he had issues some time recently, he could talk them out with Jung Do-jeon or even his dad straightforwardly, however after he caught that portentous discussion he's retreated into himself. There's no genuine knowing with regards to what he's arranging, yet where Bang-won exceeds expectations as a controller is his capacity to blend certified truth in with his untruths, loaning them a reasonable credibility that nobody so far has possessed the capacity to see past.
For example, his meeting with Cho-youthful should be all business and his method for invading Nameless for Team Joseon, however he just figured out how to persuade her by advising her his genuine sentiments. Since he is faltering, and probably is considering swinging to the dim side, laying out his spirit to her filled a double need for him. In spite of the fact that his discussion with Ha Ryun persuades that he'd much preferably disassemble Nameless than go along with it, it's unmistakable that he's not simply doing it for Jung Do-jeon any longer.
In the event that anything, this scene was about Bang-won putting himself in the first place, despite the fact that he might be somewhat confused in that thought. I get why he couldn't go to Jung Do-jeon with what he'd realized, subsequent to there was minimal possibility of persuading him generally when it came to royal forces, and since uncovering his musings on the matter could conceivably place him in an unsafe spot inside of the gathering's pecking order. By tricking both sides, Bang-won's giving himself an opportunity to settle on a choice while ensuring his alternatives are worthwhile. But now, it just matters that things are beneficial to him, and not as a matter of course profitable to the reason.
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