Our most clever youthful monster devises a smart arrangement to bait the most mystery of mystery associations out of concealing this scene, and by utilizing their own vanity as a weapon, he's ready to jab a couple of good-sized gaps through Nameless' impervious veneer. It's an hour about looking to the future, of understanding one's fantasies and how to get them going, despite the fact that we know in show talk that when you get ready for the future, you should be marking your own passing warrant. Destiny is an unfeeling escort that way.

In the wake of uncovering herself to be Cheok Sa-kwang, the young lady earlier known as Yoon-rang asks the ruler to drink the cure, swearing that she'll ensure him with her life. He trusts her, and takes the proffered container.
Neither of them know Traitor Baek is, well, a backstabber, so they have no clue that he's going to take the data on Sa-kwang's personality back to Nameless… until Sa-kwang brings up that he wasn't annoyed when Nameless appeared.
Recollecting, she understands that Traitor Baek was the person who drove them to the spot where they were trapped, and responded to the harmed needle before he saw it. He knew it was coming, she reasons, and Baek understands there's no chance to get out yet to go after his sword.
Sa-kwang is much too quick for that however, and in a couple of quick seconds she's broken his arm, taken his sword, and cut his throat with it. Much the same as that, Traitor Baek is no more.
Expert Hong fills everybody in on the Cheok family story, clarifying how Cheok Jun-gyeong, the first incredible swordsman, went down his abilities to one surviving child. That child turned into the granddad of both Cheok Sa-kwang and her now expired sibling, and emptied his preparation into Sa-kwang when said sibling went off into the world looking for popularity and fortune.
In the meantime, Sa-kwang recounts to her story to Prince Jungchang, clarifying how she never loved the preparation despite the fact that she'd submit to it. That all changed the day Jang Sam-bong's devotee came searching for a match against her granddad.
He won the match reasonably and her granddad kicked the bucket, however a youthful Sa-kwang couldn't control her feelings and murdered the supporter consequently. She tells the ruler that she battled more with having killed him than her granddad biting the dust, and that it's spooky her until this day.
She had wanted to leave the sword everlastingly that day, yet out of her adoration for Prince Jungchang, she killed three men to ensure him. Also, she'd do it once more, so she encourages the ruler to be solid. In kind, she'll be his sword and shield.
Yooksan comes back to where he last met Prince Jungchang to discover Traitor Baek and two other obscure men dead. He has Jukryong with him, who distinguishes the deadly twisted on Traitor Baek's throat as a mark of Goksan Swordsmanship. Yet, he questions their man Cheok In-kwang could've executed them when he was at that point passing on himself.
Blast won discovers Boon-yi in the wake of examining the loss of the men he sent to catch Traitor Baek, and it turns out she didn't tell the young men how she got the data she did from Cheok In-kwang.
She tells Bang-won how the code her mom utilized route back when still worked in the present, which just persuaded her further that her mom wasn't hijacked by Nameless. Truth be told, Boon-yi is currently sure that her mom is a dynamic individual from Nameless.
"Why are you trying to say this now?" Bang-won inquires. With a full breath, she lets him know this is on account of she knows her mom is presently their foe, and it panics her. Much like Moo-hyul, Bang-won tsks at Boon-yi for her despondent soul, needing ol' General Boon-yi back.
Thus, she gets some information about his sudden enthusiasm for Nameless, since he'd been distracted with chasing after Jung Mong-joo some time recently. He discloses that he's trusting Poeun in light of the fact that Jung Do-jeon does, and is currently resolved to find Nameless. Everything begins with discovering who Ji Cheon-tae is. (I'd erroneously thought it was a spot and not a man last scene, my awful!)
Blast won finds a vain Ha Ryun and offers to share what he thinks about Nameless consequently for him doing likewise. He knows Ha Ryun didn't take after Nameless every one of these years out of unwaveringness to Lee In-gyeom, which Ha Ryun concedes is valid.
At that point, laughing, he concurs with Bang-won's appraisal that he can't stand his own particular interest. "Would could it be that you can't stand?" he returns in kind, just for Bang-won to give a protected answer: "Foul play. I can't stand shamefulness."
In any case, Ha Ryun realizes that can't be it, and surmises effectively that what Bang-won truly can't stand is feeling frail. This inspires an emotional response with Bang-won, who recollects Minister Hong's expectation in regards to his trepidation of shortcoming. What's more, that apprehension is its own shortcoming, however at any rate Ha Ryun consents to drop the matter and cooperate with him.
With their two heads joined, they start to work through what they know. Ji Cheon-tae must be from either Jukryong's camp or Cho-young's, since they're the main ones who could give the data Nameless uses to control and control individuals.
Thinking back, Bang-won now ponders whether Nameless was behind Jukryong giving him that free piece of intel on General Choi, since nothing is ever free with him. In any case, their greatest break comes when Ha Ryun clarifies exactly the amount of time (three years) it would've taken somebody to figure out how to produce Jo Joon's penmanship for the three letters he never conveyed.
There is the likelihood that both Biguk Temple and Hwasadan were simply contracted by Nameless, Ha Ryun reasons, which gives Bang-won a light minute with regards to Ji Cheon-tae. He leaves without sharing the subtle elements.
He tells Boon-yi and Moo-hyul that Nameless must be losing their brains at this moment attempting to discover who sent the professional killers, since they'd have no clue whether they were sent for the ruler or Traitor Baek. He wants to utilize this against them and enrolls Master Hong to remain in for the metal forger who enlisted out the professional killers to them, that way when Nameless comes looking, they'll see him.
Jo Joon is insulted when Bang-won lets him know that his dad has upheld Prince Jungchang for the throne, furiously requesting to know why the general is dawdling with regards to accepting the throne. He's not persuaded, notwithstanding when Bang-won lets him know that it's all so Jung Mong-joo will come to bolster their reason.
Discussing, we discover Jung Mong-joo with Prince Jungchang as he promises that he doesn't ha anything to do with Nameless. Ignorant that Sa-kyung is listening in, he illuminates like a Christmas tree when the ruler consents to take the throne, and is all to cheerful to swear his undying dedication to him.
Blast won winds up listening stealthily when Jo Joon and Officer Nam go to Jung Do-jeon to request answers. He calms them by asserting that he's utilizing a five point plan to persuade Jung Mong-joo, also called ohchik, which alleviates Bang-won's reasons for alarm too.
Eldest child Bang-charm winds up catching their yelling match inside, and barges in the second he hears their discussion of making his dad lord. Having no clue that was their unique expectation, he's insulted at the thought that they're embarking to make his dad a double crosser.
In any event he appears to be satisfied when his dad asserts the inverse is genuine, and that they'll concentrate on Prince Jungchang. Theory they're going to put off letting him know reality for whatever length of time that they can.
Lee Seong-gye, Jung Do-jeon, and Jung Mong-joo are everything who's needed to toss their backing in for Prince Jungchang. Ruler Chang is ousted and sent away with outcast, alongside his dad.
Sovereign Jungchang is delegated and gets to be KING GONGYANG, while Sa-kyung is left to… trim her nails? It bodes well once she develops wearing men's attire, not able to be more than a bodyguard to her one intimate romance now that he's the best.
Cho-youthful sends her head Amazonian spy to Master Hong's Blacksmithery, and it's humorous how he supposes he needs to camouflage his voice keeping in mind the end goal to fill the role convincingly. She leaves with their record close by, which obviously was set there by Bang-won.
Obviously, they weren't expecting a second gathering from Biguk Temple to arrive appearing to be identical record, and Master Hong rushes to let them know that somebody from Hwasadan as of now came and took it.
Chatter help takes this answer back to Bang-won, however simply the way that both sides showed up doesn't mean they're a piece of Nameless, since they could've recently been employed by them to recover the record. He wants to endure and draw Nameless.
Jukryong reports to Yooksan that Hwasadan got tightly to the record to begin with, and trusts that they're specialists of King Gongyang. Be that as it may, Yooksan isn't at all worried as he welcomes Ji Cheon-tae in… who ends up being none other than Cho-youthful.
She's generally as amazed to consider Jukryong to be he is to see her, and Yooksan merrily acquaints them with one another. Neither realized that they were working for the same association as of not long ago, which is the reason Yooksan wasn't worried about the record. He knew Cho-youthful would convey it to him.
Yooksan opens it to locate a letter from Bang-won inside, purposefully tended to whoever would read it from Nameless as he snares them on their fizzled "break the fiery debris blossom's stem before it sprouts" plan. Much the same as Bang-won needed, Yooksan reels at the letter, while Jukryong thinks about whether there's a spy in their middle.
Da-kyung is yet another disillusioned supporter when she discovers that Lee Seong-gye won't be accepting the throne, and when Bang-won advises her it's his dad and Jung Do-jeon's wish, she answers that he shouldn't be such a yes-man with regards to those two.
Also, however Jung Do-jeon and Jung Mong-joo cooperated to make the delegated happen, there's a quality of pressure between the two after. Poeun is resolved to make his associate abandon his amazing arrangement, while Jung Do-jeon is pretty much as resolved to persuade him.
Lee Seong-gye has a celebratory supper at Dohwa Manor, and Ji-ran even gets the chance to split savvy about professional killers holding up in the wings, considering how their last dinner turned out. He's welcomed Bang-won, Bang-ji, and Moo-hyul, reassuring the last two that yes, he needs them to sit at the table with him, and yes, it'll be alright.
It's a significant privilege for them, which Jung Do-jeon perceives by bringing his glass up in a toast to a conclusion to the turbulent times they've been living in. Everybody's energized at the thought about this administration change bringing peace and success, and poor Ji-ran gets ribbed for proclaiming that he'd like to compose a sonnet once serene times are upon them.
Youthful kyu's manlier dream is to be recalled ever, while Jung Do-jeon's is to abandon a record for future eras. Should peace come, he needs to invest all his energy composing books so that all that he's scholarly can be kept and read for a considerable length of time to come.
A short time later, Bang-ji gets down on Moo-hyul about mumbling under his breath amid the entire "What's your fantasy?" trade, since he'd been setting up an answer if anybody have approached him. (Awwwwww.) It just takes the gentlest of pushing from Boon-yi for him to open up, however and still, at the end of the day, he just says he's now told Bang-won.
Blast won recollects that minute, and how Moo-hyul said he'd be his bodyguard with the goal that he could witness the minute Bang-won improved the world and be fulfilled.
It's Bang-ji's turn next, and he concedes that his is to make Boon-yi's blessing from heaven and to locate their mom. Aid yi turns the inquiry to the last holdout, Bang-won, who flushes from humiliation when inquired. "I need to make the general population grin, and ensure the majority you had always wanted."
With respect to the how, Bang-won says it'll through supportive governmental issues, which everybody knows is a surefire approach to make individuals glad. Blast ji supposes he'll accomplish his fantasy, and everybody grins. These folks should be as one more.
It's not much sooner than Yooksan comes approaching Bang-won, which is exactly what the last needed. Yooksan is under the conviction that they got one of their Nameless hostages to let the cat out of the bag about the fiery debris bloom arrange, and advises Bang-won to stay in the shallow pool where he has a place.
He drops a letter for him and arrangements to leave with that, just to be halted when Bang-won calls the code expression after him: "He who was not there initially exists until the end of time. He who is anonymous might never vanish." Does he think they likewise wrung that from the hostage?
Yooksan is careful about Bang-won's intentions even in the wake of listening to this, speculating his point is to sow disagreement inside Nameless by motivating them to suspect one another as would be prudent backstabbers. That is precisely what Bang-won needs, and he gets it when he says a particular name: "What amount do you trust Ji Cheon-tae?"
That name gets under Yooksan's skin, subsequent to there's no conceivable way he'd know every one of these things without there being a spy. He carries the issue up with Ji Cheon-tae/Cho-youthful herself, and accuses her of finding and stopping the data spill happening on her end.
She swings to Yeon-hee as the first conceivable suspect, which is an outcome I'd be shocked if Bang-won considered. Advising her that she'll expel her from her present task, Cho-youthful's last undertaking for Yeon-hee is that she discover what Jung Mong-joo and Jung Do-jeon are arranging by tomorrow.
Yooksan is careful about Bang-won's intentions even in the wake of listening to this, speculating his point is to sow disagreement inside Nameless by motivating them to suspect one another as would be prudent backstabbers. That is precisely what Bang-won needs, and he gets it when he says a particular name: "What amount do you trust Ji Cheon-tae?"
That name gets under Yooksan's skin, subsequent to there's no conceivable way he'd know every one of these things without there being a spy. He carries the issue up with Ji Cheon-tae/Cho-youthful herself, and accuses her of finding and stopping the data spill happening on her end.
She swings to Yeon-hee as the first conceivable suspect, which is an outcome I'd be shocked if Bang-won considered. Advising her that she'll expel her from her present task, Cho-youthful's last undertaking for Yeon-hee is that she discover what Jung Mong-joo and Jung Do-jeon are arranging by tomorrow.
In any case, some way or another, nobody's seen Cho-youthful stowing away in the hole, listening stealthily on their discussion. She happens upon Yeon-hee in the close-by woods, intentionally maintaining a strategic distance from the trap Bang-won's set, and asks her where and when Jung Do-jeon will meet Jung Mong-joo today.
Yeon-hee claims she didn't hear precisely where, which Cho-youthful knows not a falsehood. She even tells Yeon-hee along these lines, minutes before her Amazonian warriors encompass her with swords drawn. "I will give you one final chance," Cho-youthful announces. "What is Maengdo Chilyak?"
Also, that is Yeon-hee's verification that Cho-youthful is Ji Cheon-tae, an operators of Nameless.
Blast ji develops anxious when Yeon-hee doesn't appear for her planned meeting, yet Bang-won is the one to go walking into the square to approach his men to leave covering up.
Yeon-hee is bound and choked to be diverted, while Cho-youthful makes arrangements to go to Jung Do-jeon and Jung Mong-joo's meeting place. She doesn't stay choked for long, and tells all the Amazonians who Nameless is, and why it's awful that their pioneer is a piece of it.
It appears like she may have the capacity to influence them, yet despite everything she gets some included help as Bang-won and Co. when they come to spare her. Blast won lets them know that they were unwitting manikins of Nameless, and Yeon-hee stokes the flares by making the young ladies acknowledge they've been tricked.
The person who doesn't trust Yeon-hee gets chop around their pioneer in a minute of choice, and she's snappy to declare that they are not Nameless to Bang-won. Be that as it may, they don't discharge Yeon-hee.
Blast won surges off toward Jung Do-jeon's meeting place after a tip from Yeon-hee, where the most noticeably awful Cho-youthful is doing is listening stealthily on their discussion.
She's hindered by a sword being held to her neck, and swings to discover Bang-ji on the flip side of it. Blast won walks in and inquires as to whether she'll slaughter herself, just for Cho-youthful to spit that that is just for the snorts.
The following room over, the researchers' discussion goes continuous, and Bang-won can listen in. Jung Do-jeon discusses how the ruler of his new nation ought to be simply a bloom on a tree whose roots are comprised of Confucian researchers and named authorities.
He needs to restrain the lord's energy so that the main position he can choose is that of executive, leaving Jung Mong-joo pondering what the ruler can do. Blast won is in like manner paralyzed by the words leaving Jung Do-jeon's mouth, despite the fact that Poeun is still riveted with consideration.
Jung Do-jeon's next proclamation for the new ruler will be that no regal relatives can take an interest in governmental issues, and it's just when Bang-won lurches back that the heaviness of this comes slamming down on him.
The fantasy he simply shared all of a sudden returns flooding to him as he understands that he won't have the capacity to take part in legislative issues ought to his dad get to be top dog.
What's more, Ha Ryun's voice returns to him then, emphasizing his most exceedingly bad trepidation: that of being feeble.
It was peculiarly hard to watch that last scene without a cutting edge point of view, since every one of the changes Jung Do-jeon discusses sound superbly rational and ordinary to those of us getting a charge out of the solaces of the 21st century. I ended up observing Bang-won's stunned responses fretfully, not able to appreciate why he appeared as though he'd been punched in the stomach while Jung Mong-joo was taking the dynamic thoughts in step.
In any case, then I understood that it wasn't the progressiveness that had Bang-won so shocked, he's had a really smart thought of exactly how progressive Jung Do-jeon's reason was from the begin. When it came to land change, nepotism, and a balanced governance framework, Bang-won was feeling anxious to spill blood keeping in mind the end goal to complete things quicker. In this way, the main constrain that has been keeping him down has been Jung Do-jeon, and his apparently interminable abundance of tolerance. In the event that that is gone, then what?
So now, I'm starting to perceive how their relationship may start to break, and that is reducing the amount of history is a spoiler. We've seen them examine the New Joseon arrangement in point of interest, yet at no other time have we (or Bang-won) heard Jung Do-jeon's arrangement for checking the ruler's energy. Regardless of the possibility that everything sounds so recognizable, since the essential inhabitants he's discussing, with the lord being the beautifying bloom while researchers and authorities make up the roots, is precisely what the mystery society in Tree With Deep Roots accepted. On the off chance that this is a prequel, and it is, then Jung Do-jeon is setting up the establishment for what might get to be Joseon and an atmosphere where such an association exists exclusively to reroute the ruler's energy.
The motivation behind why Bang-won is so influenced by this a portion of Jung Do-jeon's arrangement and not whatever other is on the grounds that it implies he'll have no position, no force, and no capacity to sanction the change he looks for. I'll be the first to concede that his fantasy doesn't at all stable such as him, and the thought that he needs to make the general population grin appears like a fantasy a Disneyprincess would have. In truth, said princess wouldn't say that they'd do as such through governmental issues, however the hopeful thought is the same. What's more, I don't know why it's all the more stunning that Bang-won is so hopeful, when we saw him grow up and have seen the side of him that shouts for equity at any expense.
What's more, that all goes to say that I'm excited with this new curve Dragons has tossed in, since Bang-won had been slightly sizzling as a second thought for what feels like too long. It's successfully reestablished my enthusiasm for his character and battle, regardless of the possibility that he'll need to do the majority of that from inside—just he'll have the capacity to tell whether he's been in this for the reason itself, or for the force he believed was tending to the next side. Be that as it may, on the off chance that it implies him executing all the more brave arrangements later on, I'm down like a jokester, as they unquestionably don't say.
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