There are a considerable amount of remaining details for our legend to tie up, heading into our last week. First is re-building up a since quite a while ago disregarded relationship, yet fortunately for our fellow, he has a great deal of charming on his side to diminish his sweetheart's heart. In any case, it's not only her he must appeal, and she is very brave of her own to stress over.
Scene 15 RECAP
Joo-eun consents to stay with Young-ho on the night of his birthday party, Christmas Eve. He demonstrates her that he kept the gauze she stuck on his doctor's facility entryway, and thinks that he is so sorry to learn kept her sitting tight for him. She asks what his birthday wish was, however he says it wasn't for him, yet for her — he longed that she wouldn't become ill.
She cuddles into him and he says he trusts they can spend a casual, warm night together. In any case, Joo-eun has different thoughts, and when Young-ho kisses her virtuously on the brow, she goes in as though for a genuine kiss, however lays her head on his chest instead.
Youthful ho begins to look uncomfortable and inquires as to whether this isn't somewhat serious for a "warm" night, and Joo-eun jokes that she's accustomed to nestling with You Bastard like this around evening time. Fortunate sloth. She chastens Young-ho for returning looking so provocative, rubbing his mid-section and tapping his button, and Young-ho can't take it any longer.
He takes back his "warm night" remark, and says frantically and in a strained voice, "Sensual night, OK??" Joo-eun gives him the alright, and that is all it takes for him to flip her over, griping that she lured him first. Joo-eun just says they lured one another, and pulls him down for kisses and different shenanigans.
They're both hesitant to wake in the morning, and Joo-eun drowsily jabs Young-ho just to ensure the previous evening wasn't a fantasy. She makes him guarantee to see her everything the time starting now and into the foreseeable future, which he effortlessly consents to, and they snuggle in for more rest.
Joo-eun wakes again later to discover Young-ho conscious and gazing at her, and whimpers that she's eager. He jokes that she would be advised to get dressed in the event that she needs to eat, else it could be a suggestive day also. Sounds like an amazing arrangement to me, however Joo-eun gets dressed and goes down to breakfast.
She adds some kelp soup to the feast as an astonishment for his birthday, however he's more stressed over her thyroid with this sort of salty sustenance. She lets him know that starting a month back, she's off the prescriptions, on the grounds that she's gotten to such a sound spot all alone — or well, with his assistance.
Youthful ho earnestly compliments her on getting more beneficial (and sexier), and Joo-eun advises him that she can do anything she decides to. She gives an exhausted fake discourse about overcoming hypothyroidism even notwithstanding tremendous push, and pronounces herself now to be Kim Young-ho's Daegu Venus.
They spend an unwinding morning in, staring at the TV and nestling, until Young-ho gets a wicked flash in his eye and says he needs to check something. He sneaks up on Joo-eun until she's laying on her back… and we slice to them doing boards in the workout room. HAHA, abandon it to Young-ho to concentrate on activity. There's more than one approach to work out, you know.
Youthful ho adheres to the ordinary route, to Joo-eun's irritation. She spends the day diverted by watching him work out, getting turned on when he swallows a beverage — however when he at last props her on the table and goes in for the kill, her mom calls. HA, he really apologizes under his breath to her mother and conceals all his uncovered skin.
Mother's in Seoul, at Joo-eun's place, and she and Young-ho are both disillusioned when she needs to go. He drives her home and recommends that they compensate for lost dating time, and she guarantees to be twice as cheerful. Youthful ho begins to inquire as to whether he ought to met her mom, however Joo-eun says there's the ideal opportunity for that later. She goes in, and Young-ho has enormous puffy hearts in his eyes as he watches her go.
Joo-eun observes that her mom has realized a year of nourishment with her, and she goes off the way that she's still in the previous saying so as to even's gathering dress she went to a wedding. Obviously, this ends up being an oversight, as it gives Mom an opening to censure her for not getting hitched herself. Mother needs to meet this gentleman she knows Joo-eun is dating, however Joo-eun puts her off until later.
Joo-eun goes to the workplace for a meeting, which ends up being a rape case. The charged needs to settle, as he works for the legislature, and Soo-jin at first gives off an impression of being managable to the thought. In any case, she gives Joo-eun a pointed look, and that is Joo-eun's sign to turn on a video in which the denounced is demonstrated striking the lady, right on camera.Boo-yah.
Youthful ho's grandma obviously cares about Stepmom and Young-joon, no less than a bit, on the grounds that she gets a report on what they're doing nowadays. Her attendant likewise informs her regarding Joo-eun, her experience and where she works.
Back at Joo-eun's meeting, the charged goes white as an apparition while his legal counselor tries to imagine the video isn't of his customer. Soo-jin says they likewise have a sound record that is being examined to demonstrate who the general population in the film are, and in addition different recordings with other ladies. Since they were transferred to the web, they're free diversion to be utilized as a part of court. There will be no settlement.
After the meeting, Joo-eun sees Soo-jin's ring, furthermore that Soo-jin doesn't appear to feel well. Soo-jin deflectes and gets some information about Young-ho, appearing to be really upbeat for Joo-eun. Joo-eun raises a delicate subject –-that Soo-jin appears to be too thin, and she requests that her eat mor
Again Soo-jin tries to grin it away, yet Joo-eun cautions her to go to the specialist, or she'll drag her there herself. Soo-jin peeps a chipper "Cheerful New Year," yet when she's out of Joo-eun's sight, she shrinks and holds her stomach as though it harms.
She disregards a call from Woo-shik, so he messages that she's not eating much recently, and welcomes her out to eat. In her auto, Soo-jin downs more pills, grasping her stomach once more. She calls what sounds like a specialist's office, requesting that be seen today.
Awww, Young-ho is so energized when Joo-eun calls him, and he advises her that he sent Ji-woong and Joon-sung to her home with a natural product wicker bin to stay with her mother. Obviously, Ji-woong and Joo-eun's mother are still awesome companions, which is lovable. Joo-eun arrives home to locate the three playing a relentless round of Go-Stop, ha.
Soo-jin at long last answers Woo-shik's call and says that she was just in a meeting prior, and he's extremely worried that she's not eating like she claims. He asks her where she is and she lies that she's at the workplace, not understanding that he's watching her from a couple parking spots away.
He tails her into the clinic and to the gynecology division, where she's obviously as of now had tests done and needs to know her outcomes. Charm shik grins to himself, presumably supposing she's having his infant, yet I fear it might be something far more terrible.
Joo-eun joins the Go-Stop amusement (I cherish how Ji-woong calls her mom "Ma'am's Mommy") and soon the doorbell rings. It's Young-ho, conveying blooms and takeout and looking out and out panicked. Joo-eun gives him access to meet Mom, and cautions him not to snicker, in light of the fact that Mom's wearing his garments he deserted. Be that as it may, he puts her hand over his hustling heart, announcing himself excessively engrossed, making it impossible to giggle.
He's murdering me in his lovable tie/sweater/coat set all terrified to death, however despite everything he jokes that it is ideal that he changed or he'd be wearing the same outfit as Mom. PFFT. Joon-sung gets the insight and skedaddles Ji-woong out of there. It's so charming how the young men both request that Mom decent to Young-ho.
By the "I'm being shrewd at this moment" look in Mom's eye, she's having an abundant excess fun scrutinizing Young-ho and giving him a chance to sweat, and she at long last inquires as to whether he wants to continue dating Joo-eun. When he stammers out an anxious yes, she's all Okay then, and that's all there is to it. You can for all intents and purposes see the shading surge back to his face, ha.
Soo-jin is sitting up in bed that night, resembling the heaviness of the world is on her shoulders, when Woo-shik gives himself access. He brings porridge yet she has no hankering, and goes for the presents he brought. She opens one and discovers little child measured booties, and Woo-shik admits that he saw her at the doctor's facility.
Soo-jin lets him know that she's not pregnant — truth be told, she never will be. Marriage and children would just cut into her vocation, which she says is her need, yet it's undeniable she's battling back tears. Charm shik sees that she's likewise removed her wedding band, and now he becomes apprehensive. He tries to inspire her to converse with him, however she just hollers at him to clear out. He does, and she begins to cry before he's even abandoned her flat.
We see now that the specialist told Soo-jin that she has polycystic overy disorder (essentially, a hormone irregularity that meddles with multiplication) and that she'll experience issues attempting to consider a youngster. The specialist likewise gets some information about her stimulant use, saying that they can influence things too. Soo-jin says that she hasn't taken them for two or three months, just her paleness meds.
The specialist compassionate advises her that it won't be simple, yet with time and treatment, she might some time or another have a kid. However, she can't guarantee anything, and "have trust" isn't something Soo-jin can do effectively.
Late that night, Young-ho writings Joo-eun and says that she's a considerable measure like her mother. He cautions her that his family won't be so natural to manage, yet Joo-eun just flames back that she's not that simple, either. In any case, anything is superior to not seeing him. He welcomes her to go out on the town outside of Seoul tomorrow, and fake-cries that he can't go through this evening with her as well.
The following day they go to the sanctuary where his mom's remembrance stands, and I cherish how Joo-eun gets pretty much as apprehensive to meet his dead mother as he was to meet her alive one. Awww, as an ardent knitter myself, it slaughters me that the scarf minimal Young-ho was making for his mom when she kicked the bucket is revered there, with the needles still in it.
Joo-eun acquaints herself with Young-ho's mom, and guarantees to be with him for whatever remains of his life. She requests his mom's direction, and expresses gratitude toward her for bringing forth him. Presently I'm crying.
Later Joo-eun mulls over her own scarf, now knowing the criticalness of it to Young-ho. She gets a content all of a sudden from Young-ho's grandma, requesting that meet her the following night for supper. She conceals the message from Young-ho, rather demonstrating to him the minimal stone tower she made. He inquires as to whether a two-stone tower truly considers a tower, however she counters that they speak to both of them — his heart, and her heart.
They walk around a lovely Christmas town during the evening, getting a charge out of the wonderful bubbly lights, and take charming selcas together. Joo-eun remarks that the greater part of the general population on dates around them appear to be insane in adoration, which Young-ho deciphers to mean she's insane for him. He pushes her to discover exactly how insane, admitting that he’s crazy, too.
He looks apprehensive when Joo-eun needs to leave a wish on a divider brimming with them, however then considers it super important and makes Joo-eun snicker. It takes him perpetually to choose what to wish for, keeping in mind he's written work, Joo-eun recollects the one time she saw his grandma, and how serious she appeared.
At the point when Young-ho at last develops, Joo-eun says that her wish was really basic, and can be basically allowed. As they walk, she waves her cleared out hand around and remarks that her hand is frosty — she's absolutely plotting for a ring, hee. She even jokes that a container top would d0.
She backs off when Young-ho gives her a stern look, and he quietly grabs the little chunk of yarn that hangs off her scarf. He unfastens it and steps back, unwinding the ball, and (I knew it!) there's a ring inside. She's had it from the start. ~sniffle~
Joo-eun takes a gander at him with wide eyes, and connects with take the ring, yet he brings down his end of the string so it slides down to him. He holds it up and says that he needs to put the ring on her, so would she be able to come somewhat closer? And after that he holds his arms out for his embrace, and Joo-eun keeps running into them.
Turning genuine, Young-ho says, "Kang Joo-eun. I may make you somewhat miserable. I may make it somewhat hard for you, as well. In any case, I'd like to spend whatever is left of my existence with you." Joo-eun gestures her Yes, and Young-ho puts the ring on her finger. "Presently Kang Joo-eun is mine."
We see their wishes, and Joo-eun's is to be with Young-ho. Youthful ho's wish is to be with "Gracious My Venus, Kang Joo-eun."
Aww, that was the sweetest, least complex, absolute best proposition ever. I'll concede, I thought about when he gave her the scarf and we saw that little ball, that there would be a ring inside. In any case, the way Young-ho displayed it to Joo-eun was so extraordinary. I cherish how squishy and charming Young-ho-in-affection is, currently that there are (just about) no impediments preventing him from being with Joo-eun. The essential thing is that his interior deterrents for being with her are gone, and he's at long last simply letting himself be enamored. I think he grinned more in this scene than in the entire past fourteen scenes set up together, and it was heavenly.
Since the dividers between them are down, we will in all probability need to manage the last thing that could keep Young-ho and Joo-eun separated — Grandma. I'm concerned that Grandma will attempt her hardest to get Young-ho back in her grasp, both on an organization and on an individual level, and I trust that he's found the quality in himself in the previous year to oppose her this time. In any case, an a portion of me is additionally truly anticipating Joo-eun's unavoidable confrontation with Grandma, in light of the fact that I have most likely Joo-eun can deal with her fine and dandy.
I do need to say that I'm certainly with a considerable lot of you all, in that I was somewhat frustrated when Joo-eun simply acknowledged Young-ho back as though an entire year hadn't passed by without a word from him. Also, more awful, that he simply disregarded her writings and messages that whole time. I do understand that he needed to center, and he knew he could do that best on the off chance that they weren't as one. Be that as it may, did he need to thoroughly solidify her out? There was no chance he could have infrequently addressed her writings, or called her, and given her some want to continue sitting tight for him? OK, so perhaps he was terrified he'd need to keep running back to her. Yet, were two or three visits thoroughly not feasible? I don't generally get why they couldn't have talked and gone to amid that year.
In any event, when Young-ho returned, Joo-eun ought to have sat him down for an intense talk, and let him know that on the off chance that they were going to get where they exited off, a few things would need to change. Things like not pushing one another away in times of need, and not overlooking one another. For a lady whose greatest meat with the school companion who stole her beau was that she dropped her as a companion without a word route back in school, I anticipated that there would be no less than a short "don't you ever do that again, jerkface" chat with Young-ho. He got off much too effectively, and it was abnormal for Joo-eun to recently let that entire year slide without specifying it. I assume it's not very late, and I know I unquestionably wouldn't be wedding him (I couldn't care less how "hot" he is) without a dialog about association and what it implies. Ideally's regardless she got a little come-to-Jesus got ready for Young-ho before any wedding happens.
On the non-sentimental front, seeing Soo-jin and Joo-eun cooperating, at last, is so satisfying. I know a great deal of viewers don't locate her redeemable, and I concur there are a considerable measure of things she's done that have been hazardous. However, she's generally appeared to be promptly remorseful at whatever point things went too far and Joo-eun got hurt, and I do trust them when she and Woo-shik both say they never did anything in regards to their fascination until Woo-shik and Joo-eun separated. You can't help your sentiments. I think they got themselves pulled in, yet made the best decision and held up until Woo-shik's attachement was separated before following up on it. Furthermore, if Joo-eun pardons Soo-jin, then that is everything I need to excuse her. Seeing them going about as a group, when we know they're both to a great degree splendid, driven ladies who know how to Get Things Done, is awesome.
So I do feel terrible for Soo-jin, suspecting that she can never give the man she cherishes any kids. Despite the fact that she has her own image of Noble Idiocy going on, and possibly ought to inquire as to whether he even needs kids before severing their engagement. In any case, I can perceive how she'd overcompensate even with her distress. Yet, I like them together, and I trust he can inspire her to tune in (for once) and can persuade her that he's not here for her regenerative capacities, but rather in light of the fact that he adores her for who she is. I think more than anything, she needs to realize that she's deserving of adoration, regardless of the possibility that she doesn't convey anything however herself to the table.
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